Hermana Muerte
An interactive art installation in collaboration with MacGyver Models
Slot Projects
October 29 - November 30
Photos Tony Twigg
Can we make peace with our own mortality? Why fear the most certain thing in our lives?
Life, like a wheel of fortune, from the moment we are born to the moment we die, we don't know where it will land, only that it will end is certain. What has destiny in store? Head to 38 Botany Road, Alexandria, give it a spin, see where it lands, interpret at your own will and remember to celebrate the life we have and to celebrate the lives of the ones that have gone. As a popular Latin-American saying: Todas las personas mueren, no todas las personas viven (All people die, but not all people live)
A big thank you to MacGyver Models for their technical assistance, without it this work would not have been possible.
This work is dedicated to Aldemar Mosquera (my dad) and Janice Davis (my mother-law) who passed away this year.